Thu 02 Jan
💗[[ NEW IN TOWN ]] 💗 [[BLONDE HOTTIE]] 💗 [[WELL REVIEWED]] 💗—— 💗 [[ READY N0W ]] 💓💗—— 💖💫 - 22
(Detroit, Detroit/SurroundingAreas (OutcallsOnly))
(New Pics) 2 Girl Specials...Highly addictive, Highly Skilled.. Ultimate Providers. 👙 - 27
(Detroit, Romulus, metro airport 94& Merriman)
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES tuesday night SPECIALS 40ss 70hh 110hr❤️❤️#veryhorney - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
:::":::"::: ~*~*~*~ A road from the eye to the most beautiful view, ME ! ~*~*~*~ :::":::"::: - 20
(Grand Rapids)
$115 FLAT! OPEN ALL DAY FRIDAY 8am til' 6pm NEW PICS Mysterys' Prostate Massage 586-363-0863 - 35
(Detroit, Dequindre @ 696 Directly off Expressway!)
$115 OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY 8AM til' 8PM Real Pics Mysterys' Prostate Massage 586-363-0863 - 35
(Detroit, 11 Mile and Dequindre)
$125/Hr WeekDays Genie's Prostate Massage 248-272-1237 Real Pics 8am-8pm - 27
(17 Mile @ VanDyke between Mound)
2 S€Du¢Tiv€ €X0TI¢ GorGeouS Saigon PlayMates 💝 Naked FB0D¥ 2 B0D¥ §ensual »P®osT@te/To¥s - 20